Thursday, April 26, 2012

Blogging From the Sky!

Yes, I am putting up ANOTHER new post. But apparently my flight out of St. Louis has Wi-Fi, and I couldn't resist the opportunity to blog from the sky! 

This morning was the second of the Crime Victim's Breakfasts, this time in Osage Beach, Missouri. This crowd was larger than the first one, and the fact that we were in a larger, more open room really emphasized this. But everyone was so kind and supportive, that they weren't too intimidating. 

I want to share with everyone who couldn't be there how it all went, but it would be strange to just tell you all the compliments I received. I can tell you that I was very happy with how it went, and proud of this new achievement. I've also had several people that were in attendance share their stories with me, either as survivors themselves, or they have loved ones that are survivors of child sexual abuse. Several others shared with me that my words had an effect on them and would change how they interact with the victims they come in contact with.

And that's what it's all about. It was great to have my ego stoked and to get my 15 minutes of fame, but if it didn't mean anything to anybody, what would be the point? Instead, I feel like I genuinely did some good these past two days. And I take a lot of pride in that. 

I also want to give a shout-out to Kid's Harbor, the child advocacy center that planned the breakfasts. Every single person I came in contact with from the organization was so kind and helpful. They made me feel right at home and at ease. So much so, that I would love to pursue more public speaking. It's an incredible experience, and it far surpassed my expectations.

Here's a few pictures I took:

There are more on the Kid's Harbor Facebook Page, although I'll warn you now, I'm very facially expressive when I talk, so most of the snapshots of me make me cringe! 

Thanks for all your support!!


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