Saturday, December 17, 2011

Losing My Trust

So here's a fun twist. I woke up this morning and checked out Facebook on my phone, as I do every morning. My cousin had posted this link to a news story.

In a nutshell, it's about a man who was arrested on charges of possessing and distributing child pornography. According to investigators, he was "considered the largest and most active trader using peer-to-peer software". Horrifying, right? Awesome that they caught him, right? Agreed. 

Although I find myself especially horrified because I know this man. He was a year behind me in our small grade school. Because we went to a small parochial school, two grades shared a classroom, so we were in the same classroom every other year. We grew up together in a sense. I can recall chasing him around the playground. I had a little bit of a crush on him for awhile. And we've been friends on Facebook for several years now. Well, until this morning.

I can't say I know him well enough to offer any kind of judgement on his character, but I can't help but be stunned by this. Of all the people that I would have even slightly thought capable of a fraction of the horrific nature of something like this, he never would have crossed my mind.

At first, I felt appropriately removed from this story. I didn't really know him that well. But the more I thought about it, the more upset I became. I started to realize I'm losing my trust in people.

I was talking about this with Aaron tonight and he would claim that I already don't trust people. I disagreed. I  told him I think I am a very trusting person, especially all things considered. He reminded me that I don't depend on people. While that's true, there is a difference between trusting people to follow through on things and trusting them to not harm me or my loved ones. What I'm talking about is the latter. 

Part of this is also brought on by the Penn State scandal coverage. Sandusky was a man people were supposed to be able to trust. No one suspected anything like that was going on. Supposedly, some people were shocked by my own story when it first came out. And the late-to-the-party icing on the cake, Aaron's dad is a pedophile too. I most certainly never suspected him of such a thing before it came out.

So who can I really trust? And how does this play out in my life? I'm not worried about myself. I'm strong. If someone tries to take advantage of me, they're not going to get far. Same goes for my husband. But I want a family someday. I want to have children. I feel ready for that, but I worry about how I'm going to live with the constant fear that they will be victimized by someone we know. But even without children, and without being frightened for my own safety, its a scary thought that we are working and living around these closet perverts. 

Wouldn't it be great if they all had some kind of symbol on their foreheads so we could identify them instantly? 

I'm so frustrated by this whole thing. I've always seen myself as someone who believes there is a lot of good in this world despite the evil I've experienced. I still want to believe that, but it's getting harder. I've struggling with my sense of self in general lately, but that's another soon-to-come post.

Please, can someone give me another perspective on any of this?



  1. I would think that in all of your studies to work in the field you have chosen, that someone would have taught you discretion. There is a possibility that this man's family, as well as the family of other "closet perverts" that you specifically name in your post, don't particular like you disclosing information about them. Have a little heart, and practice what you are learning in college. And maybe for once, think of others and their feelings and not just your own. Food for thought.

  2. I understand your point, however I didn't share anything other than what was in the news story. Honestly, it's all I know anyway. My heart breaks for this man's family. They are good people and I know they must be going through a difficult time. They didn't choose this. I didn't share anything about them or any other family other than my own, and even that is limited to my own experience. I am very cautious in what I share on here. If you have been so unfortunate to have been a family member in such a situation, I am very sorry. I know very well how something like this can tear a family apart.

  3. Wouldn't it be great if they all had some kind of symbol on their foreheads so we could identify them instantly?

    "If you, O LORD, kept a record of our sins, O LORD who could stand?" (Psalm 130:3)

    It appears you have deeply offended many people. Were you aware of the hurt YOU yourself have imposed?

  4. Of course I do not think all of our sins should be visible for all to see. That's not what I was saying. My only point is that it would be nice if we knew who was going to hurt us or our children before they were harmed. I'm not saying anyone should be marked for past mistakes.
    I have not meant to hurt anybody, and hope that my intention has been clearer than that. These are strictly my opinions, and anyone is free to disagree with them.

  5. In response to Anon, I think what the poster was trying to imply was a way of identifying the person that was intending on harming your children before it happens based on some identifying mark. It seems that you are implying that she meant it to be a permanent mark regardless. These are two different things.
    Also, while I agree that it is a good thing that God doesn't keep a record of wrongs, remember that studies have shown that those who have abused children have a very high rate of doing it again. Prevention would be best served by watching for those who have perpetrated in the past, and identifying them ahead of time is key in this endeavor.
    Lastly, I wasn't aware that one person commenting on a blog counted as "many people." I'm also sure that there is some other underlying frustration that is behind your post, since the blog post was devoid of any kind of offensive material.

  6. Also, as far as disclosing information about pedophiles, you are aware that everyone who is convicted as a pedophile has that as public record, right? Which means that anyone can see that someone is a pedophile just by doing a small amount of research. Your implication that she has just "outed" those families is ridiculous.
