Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mild Irrational Fears

Where to seems like more and more of my posts are beginning like that. I think one of my New Year's Resolutions is to get back to blogging regularly, maybe once a week.

I have, like any normal person, what I call "mild irrational fears". I often think of the worst case scenario, as in really dark and extremely unlikely, in many situations. For example, as Studdly Hubby and I were driving to see his family on Thanksgiving, I admitted that I'm freaked out by sinkholes. You know the ones - You see a picture on the news of a car that has fallen into a hole in the road that has simply appeared. I've never seen one in person, so it's not something I worry about all the time, but I have thought about how terrifying it would be to land in one!

Anyway, tonight I admitted to Simone that I have a mild irrational fear of "snapping" and ending up in a mental hospital. I fear that I've gotten away with things too easily. Considering what I've been through, my life is too good. Surely there is some deep seated mental illness, hiding deep below the surface, just waiting to show it's ugly face when the time is right. I feel like it is something that could happen years down the road. I don't even know what I feel like "it" is. I worry that I'll develop some kind of latent psychiatric disorder. Even though I can hand you a laundry list of all the things I've already dealt with or am dealing with, I worry that there is something dark festering. It's as if I'm driving down the road, when all of a sudden, my road gives away and I crash into a sinkhole. But those rarely happen, right? I'm still trying to process the whole thing.

On a side note, what has two thumbs and got an A on her senior project?

This girl!!

By the way, there was a sinkhole on the freeway here last week.


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