Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A New Adventure

Well, I am on my way to Missouri to give my speech (x2) for a Crime Victim's Breakfast. I had the option of flying or driving, so I chose to fly, but it's a weird route. I left Indy this morning and now I'm sitting in the Atlanta airport where I'll fly to St. Louis then drive 2ish hours to where the breakfast will be. After that, I'll drive another 2ish hours to the second breakfast, and from there driver BACK to St. Louis, fly to Detroit, then finally back to Indy for an hourish drive back home. Strange, right?

Anyway, I've been more nervous about the travel than the actual speech. That is, until I got on the plane. Then I remember that I have plenty of time between flights and I'll be fine. I started going over the speech in my mind, particularly the parts that I'm not too happy with. But honestly, you can make edits forever, so once I deemed it done, it was done.

I guess I don't have much of a point to this post. I just wanted to share a little of this new adventure with you all. Without my readers to support me in the past 2 years, I never would have gotten this far! So thank you for that.

Now I'm going to log off and find something to eat. There are too many appealing options here!!


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