Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Scoop

Some of you may have seen my Facebook status yesterday referring to the fact that I'm "locking down" my blog. If you're reading this, you've already figured out that that means you'll need a log in to access it. And I have to choose my readers, so no one can read my blog that I don't know about. Unless of course someone logs in  for them, but you get the idea. The obvious question of course, is why?

My family has been reading my blog. That's ok, but they've started leaving comments. Comments that don't have a place here. If they want to e-mail me their thoughts, that's one thing, but my blog isn't the place to be having those conversations. Because of this, I haven't felt like I could write here freely anymore. It's part of the reason there hasn't been much on here lately. The other part is because I'm really focused on finishing school.

Anyway, I do apologize is this has become a hassle for the rest of you that may want to read my blog. This may be a temporary change, I'm not really sure yet.

Thanks for hanging in there! Seriously, you guys are the best.



  1. I'm really glad you've found a way to keep blogging. Family can be so hard to handle, especially with something so traumatic and personal as what you've been walking through.

    Thanks for keeping me along. I really appreciate it.

    1. Thanks for the support Beth. You make a good point in saying that it is really personal to me. I haven't always treated it that way.

  2. Rach, you could always just disable commenting. I found this blog that told how to do it: FYI

    1. Thanks. Blogger has an option to disable comments, however my point is that I know how they're reading this now, and I can't write with my family looking over my shoulder.
